El món de Rocannon

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Ursula K. Le Guin: El món de Rocannon (Català language, 2023, Raig Verd)

239 pages

Langue : Català

Publié 31 mai 2023 par Raig Verd.

ISBN copié !
4 étoiles (2 critiques)

Els «Senyors de les Estrelles» van arribar fa molts anys, i van capgirar per sempre el destí del planeta Fomalhaut II amb les seves guerres interestel·lars. Un d’aquests Senyors, l’etnòleg Gaverel Rocannon, està estudiant el planeta per a la Lliga de Tots els Mons, quan un enemic destrueix la seva nau i l’hi deixa atrapat i incomunicat. Per tal d’alertar la Lliga d’aquest enemic, haurà de recórrer aquest món desconegut, i alhora qüestionar-se tot el que es pensa que en sap, del planeta, dels seus habitants i d’ell mateix.

24 éditions

Least-favorite LeGuin

3 étoiles

Ansible—the open-source “infrastructure as code” tool—borrowed its name from this novel.

In the story, an ansible is a faster-than-light (FTL) communication device—words typed on one ansible appear instantaneously light-years away.

This factoid was chief among my reasons for reading this book.

I also read it for completeness sake—“Rocannon’s World” is the first novel in the Hainish Cycle—Ursula K. Le Guin’s epic future history, which includes one of my all-time favorite books: “The Dispossessed.”

But this was my least-favorite Le Guin story I’ve read thus far (although that’s a high bar).

The story was nothing more than your average 1960s sci-fi/bronze-aged castles with flying cats mashup.

While that sounds exciting, the actual book was slow.

There needed to be more plot for such a plot-driven story.


I ride with Olhor, who seeks to hear his enemy’s voice, who has traveled through the great dark, who has seen the World hang …