Dvě místa na slunci

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Becky Chambers: Dvě místa na slunci (Hardcover, Czech language, 2018)

Livre relié, 438 pages

Langue : Czech

Publié 24 octobre 2018

ISBN copié !
5 étoiles (7 critiques)

Lovelace byla kdysi jen umělou inteligencí na tunelářské lodi. Když se po zhroucení a restartu systému probudí v umělém těle, nic si nepamatuje. Přesto musí znovu začít žít ve světě, kde je sama její existence ilegální.

Technička Chilli, která spolu se svými kolegy pro Lovelacinu záchranu nasadila krk, je odhodlaná jí se životem v novém světě pomoci. Chilli má totiž s novými začátky vlastní zkušenosti.

Chilli a Lovey společně zjistí, že i když je galaxie nezměrně rozlehlá, pro opuštěnost v ní není místo.

13 éditions

a publié une critique de Libration par Becky Chambers

Libration de Becky Chambers

5 étoiles

Le tome 2 des Voyageurs. Du coup je m’attendais à retrouver l'équipage du tome 1. Pas du tout ! Par contre l'histoire est centrée sur des personnages déjà présent dans le tome 1. L'histoire est la quête d'identité et de sens de deux personnes, l'une humaine et l'autre IA. Comme le premier tome c'est bien écrit, et on attend qu'une chose : lire le tome 3 !

a publié une critique de A Closed and Common Orbit par Becky Chambers

Better than the first!

5 étoiles

Really enjoyable, and only the second book in this series. This one follows two characters from the first book, and like the first, devotes good time to their arcs. Unlike the first, the plot moves quicker: it jumps back and forth in time to explore one character’s history.

I think it works as a standalone book, but even better if you read the series. Taking my time to read the next one to prolong it.

a publié une critique de A Closed and Common Orbit par Becky Chambers

The two main characters just weren't for me

3 étoiles

Thoroughly enjoyed the worldbuilding and the story, but I felt like I had to do the work to relate to the characters. They both start off at points in their lives that are unique, interesting - and hard to wrap my head around. The author does a great job giving them distinct voices and letting them grow over time, but I just found them too far removed to really get into the book.

The secondary characters, however! I really loved reading about them from the perspectives of the protagonists, and as always, the interactions are wonderfully crafted.

Review of 'A Closed and Common Orbit' on 'Goodreads'

5 étoiles

A wonderful sequel

This book went an entirely different direction from the first in the series, yet it was just as enjoyable. My favorite part of the book was the structure in which the two stories were told in parallel, coming together into a great finish. Can't wait for the third one!

Review of 'A Closed and Common Orbit' on 'GoodReads'

5 étoiles

A wonderful sequel

This book went an entirely different direction from the first in the series, yet it was just as enjoyable. My favorite part of the book was the structure in which the two stories were told in parallel, coming together into a great finish. Can't wait for the third one!


  • Science Fiction
  • Fiction, science fiction, general